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TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a certificate that gives you the opportunity to be an international ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher. If you would like to work at a university, college, private school, public school, or a private language school, this is the program for you. TESOL certificate has become an ‘in demand’ certification in international ESL field. Once you get your TESOL certificate, you become an internationally qualified ESL teacher, who holds an internationally recognized TESOL certificate. This means you will be able to work all around the world.
Queen TESOL Centre offers the first and only internationally recognized TESOL Certificate in Turkey. It offers you not only a TESOL certificate, but also a Canadian certification. This will enable you to prove that you get your TESOL certificate from an English speaking country, which will give you bonus points when you apply for a job. If you would like to continue your TESOL Career in specialized fields and gain the teaching skills necessary for your future such as; TESOL forTest Preparation, TESOL for Children, TESOL for Middle School, TESOL for Adults, TESOL Advanced; your way to your career passes through Queen TESOL Centre.
TESOL Certificate from Queen TESOL Centre is internationally recognized. Your TESOL certification will be from Canada, yet your classes will be in Istanbul. In other words, you will have the chance to obtain a Canadian certification which will open you the doors of getting TESOL certification from an English speaking country. This is very important since some institutions do not accept a teaching certificate from a non-English speaking country. Note that before deciding your course, you should make sure about the opportunities that the school and the certification provide you.
Canadian certification means you get your certificate from Canada, an English speaking country, which gives you the opportunity to work abroad as well. You will deliver the same classes that is offered in our sister school VIC-CC.
Yes. The TESOL course classes that you will have at Queen TESOL Centre is definitely the same course that is delivered in VIC-CC.
TESOL is the most ‘’in demand’’ cerificate in ESL field worldwide. It offers you an internationally recognized certificate which will enable you to find a job worldwide. TESOL has been all around the World except Turkey, but now it is also available at Queen TESOL Centre, in Turkey. Note that Queen TESOL Centre is the first and ONLY internationally recognized TESOL Centre in Turkey which offers the original TESOL program. As TESOL is a professional program, you also have the chance to continue your career in its specialized programs; TESOL for Children, TESOL for Middle School, TESOL for Adults, TESOL for Test Preparation, TESOL Advanced. Moreover, the certificate you will be awarded by Queen TESOL Centre, will be a Canadian certification as well, which means you DO NOT have to go to Canada or any other English speaking country to get their certification. You can stay in Turkey, and get an original TESOL certificate.
Students must have either minimum TOEFL: iBT 80 or IELTS: 6 or any recognized international English language equivalency test score or a pass on our entrance exam. An interview is also required.
No. You do not have to be experienced. In fact, TESOL is a chance for you to gain experience and practical skills in teaching.
No. You should meet the requirements as it is mentioned in the Student Evaluation chart and get the required mock lesson score. As long as you attend your classes and meet the requirements, you will have the chance to be awarded with TESOL certificate.
Student Evaluation Mini Lessons : 20% Quizzes : 20% Micro-teaching : 50% Attendance & Participation : 10% Total : 100% Mock Lesson : 100% On completion of the course: %60 course evaluation + %40 mock lesson evaluation = %100 total score *Mock lessons are inspected by VIC-CC to get a Canadian Certificate.
All our trainers are certified by Vancouver International College Career Campus. They are all experienced in ESL teaching and holding at least BA Degree Diplomas from ELT (English Language Teaching), American Culture and Literature and English Literature Departments.
Yes. This is the main goal of TESOL. You will gain practical skills in teaching, be familiar with all methodologies and be a talented teacher whose certification is valid worldwide.
TESOL will make you exclusive. It will enable you to find a job, not only in Turkey, but also worldwide. Your TESOL will also provide you many bonus points in your career in every means.
Yes. You can choose your specialization and continue your career in TESOL. TESOL TESOL for Children TESOL for Middle School TESOL for Adults TESOL for Test Preparation TESOL Advanced For further information please check : TESOL Programs Upgrade

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